CIF Process Timetable Guidance for Community Sports Networks (CSN) Applicants
In the East there is a firm commitment to support all Community Sport Networks with resources to help achieve the above based on a simple, SMART action plan – an action plan that provides specific interventions, that are measurable, action based, realistic and time focussed.
The action plan should identify planned interventions based upon an evidenced local need and a strong rationale supporting the proposed activities. Applicants are strongly advised to refer to the Active People Survey data to identify where participation rates are significantly different to other groups and areas in the region. Sport England East have produced local area participation profiles to assist with this process and CSPs are able to provide more support and advice if needed.
There is a two stage application process to go through to receive funding from Sport England to contribute to the action plan.
Sport England is required to have robust systems and processes in place as it is accountable for public money.
Details of the amount of funding your CSN could attract from Sport England can be found by contacting Kirsty Clarke at Sport England East on 020 7273 1827 or email
Applying for funding to deliver your CSN action plan is the same as any other lottery application to Sport England.
The following is a short summary of the two stage process, more detailed information is available at
How long should I leave to complete an application?
The time to complete the on line application form is not extensive. The crucial element is to ensure that you have undertaken appropriate needs analysis and engagement within the community and your partnership to ensure that you are confident that what you are presenting is what is needed and is deliverable both financially and on time.
Stage 1
- This is your opportunity to share with us what your project is seeking to achieve.
We strongly encourage you to contact Sport England East before submitting an application. - Please ensure that you read the guidance on the website before starting your application and getting into the detail.
- Remember we are looking for projects that will drive up participation, coaching and volunteering. There is an increasing emphasis on trying to get the adult (post 16), members of your community active.
- Make sure the basics work out in your application – ie the funding figures add up, your KPIs are logical given what you are proposing in your project.
- Remember what you put in your stage 1 application is what we have to go by in deciding whether there is a good project to be developed or not. If you think we need to know something then tell us !
- You can upload additional supporting documents when completing your stage 1 application, please do so if you think it will help inform our knowledge and decision.
Stage 2
How long your stage 2 application will take will depend on the type and complexity of your project. For example a capital project will generally take longer at stage 2 than a revenue project.
All projects will need to work through the Sport England milestone process – available to download from the website. You will be supported by an appointed Case Manager from Sport England during this process. This individual will act as a check and challenge system but also to support you in adding value to your project where possible and appropriate.
The milestone process requires applicants at stage 2 to:
- Evidence they are eligible.
- Provide draft job descriptions and person specifications- where applicable
If capital, demonstrate security of tenure - Ensure that any prior commitments haven’t been made unless agreed with Sport England
- Agree with Sport England which of the following are required for the project in question: Child protection Policy, Health and Safety Plan, Management Structure and Plan, Staffing structures/arrangements, Sports Development Plan, Partnership Agreements, Staff/Volunteer Training and Development Plan, Marketing Plan, Exit Strategy, Financial Plan, Equity Plan, Sensitivity Analysis,Programme of Use.
- Confirm the project benefits and how the project meets Sport England priorities.
- Confirm the key performance indicators that the project will be accountable for – these are crucial as they are the “payback” for investing public funds.
- Evidence that there is sufficient need for the project. This will include the breakdown of target groups the project(s) will focus on.
- Confirm the costs and how the project is to be funded.
Produce a risk assessment and confirm to Sport England that the project has manageable risks.
The above should be signed off with your appointed Case Manager before you submit your stage 2 application for a funding decision. Failure to complete the above is likely to delay a decision on your application.
It is advised that you should generally leave yourself at least 4 weeks between stage 1 confirmation and stage 2 completion. This figure is based on the timelines that Sport England have experienced with similar size CIF applications. It must be stressed however, that this is based on a well developed and planned Stage 1 application and Sport England can not guarantee that your project will be ready for submission within 4 weeks.
Applicants should avoid planning on turning around a stage 2 submission within a few days of their stage 1 being encouraged, this usually leads to a weaker application with gaps in information required and often means no dialogue has taken place with the Sport England regional office prior to submission. Your Case Manager is unlikely to agree that your project is ready for submission in these circumstances.
Delivery System engagement
You should ensure that any application you are developing has been thoroughly discussed with your relevant County Sports Partnership. Contact details can be found on the Sport England East website.
When can I expect a decision?
We will tell you if we are encouraging or discouraging your stage 1 application within 15 working days of receipt.
We will give you a decision on making an award within 40 working days of receiving your stage 2 submission.
Information accurate at point of production 31/7/07
Please be aware that later in 2007/early 2008 Sport England will be amending the application process to a single grant application for standard ‘projects’. Further information on the above will be published in the autumn of 2007.
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