CSN Seminar Dec 2006
Progress to date
1. Core partners involved & Active Harlow group set up & meeting regularly
2. Workshop taken place with partners – prioritised areas of work
3. “Active Harlow” launch planned with consultation. Logo branding being developed with schools
LSPs full engagement with Harlow 2020 and free time action group & community health & well-being group.
Clear TOR in place & signed off
Activity within CSN being coordinated through HDC Leisure Section, steering group & other comms.
1. ID’d priority areas
2. Vision document created
3. Steering group in place and had wider consultation meeting with partners
LSPs contact established & being updated with developments through lead officer.
TOR being developed.
Activity within CSN being coordinated through Leisure Officer & various communications.
Good support from CSP.
South Beds
Held first consultation meeting good number of partners attended. ID’d priorities – volunteers, funding, access to facilities, WFD
Aligned with LSP
Budget – South Beds DC - £8K
1. Core group met twice – good buy in from wide range of partners
2. Independent Chair elected
3. Branding exercise in progress
In process of identifying priorities
North Norfolk
Group set up
Seat on LSP group
Audit undertaken
Lack of capacity from LA – staff left
1. Rugby club Championing this work
2. Strategic work and support from County
3. Looking at satellite approach
Kings Lynn/West Norfolk
1. Sports Council will be CSN
2. Constitution changed to fit in with CSN
3. Additional partners invited
4. Administrator appointed
Action plan in place, good set of partners, LSP, Health, Education
Link with LSP – Healthy Lifestyle group
Action Plan in progress – to Exec Board in January
East Cambs
1st meeting held
ID’d initial priorities
LSP meeting planned
Action Plan due in January
South Norfolk
Early days, developing links with LSP
ID’d partners
Launch planned Feb
Action Plan due in Feb/March 07
1. Developed Action Plan
2. Received start up funding
3. Stratgey in place
TOR in place
“Active Chelmsford” name in place
Logo being developed
Launch planned for New Year
Linked to LSP
Comms plan – to be developed
1. Likely to be set up under LSP
2. LA Leisure being reorganised
3. Sport will be sub-group in the cultural Forum
Colchester CSN
What's been happening?
Consultation Event
Attendees included: Sports Council; Clubs; facilities; HE; CSP (Linda Gaine); Community Development; Crime Prevention
Mapping session defined priorities and actions with the main one being "raising the profile of sport"
Working Group
Has terms of reference, its governance is linked to the sports development unit.
Coming up with a name as is the focus on physical activity or sport?
Ownership and delivery - the set-up group is not necessarily the end/delivery group
Enrolling partners - quick win projects
Alignment to Sport England and sportessex prioirities and interpretation of what's needed at a local level
Workforce - who does what? Sports Dev / Volunteers - if the LA didn't driveit woudl it happen?
1. Draft vision statement complete
2. Core functions of CSN complete
3. CSP involved
Good buy in from external partners, PCT, HE, members, LSP
Group set up to write action plan
Chair ID’d – not confirmed
LA SDO leaving end of 2006-12-11
1. Core partners involved & Active Harlow group set up & meeting regularly
2. Workshop taken place with partners – prioritised areas of work
3. “Active Harlow” launch planned with consultation. Logo branding being developed with schools
LSPs full engagement with Harlow 2020 and free time action group & community health & well-being group.
Clear TOR in place & signed off
Activity within CSN being coordinated through HDC Leisure Section, steering group & other comms.
1. ID’d priority areas
2. Vision document created
3. Steering group in place and had wider consultation meeting with partners
LSPs contact established & being updated with developments through lead officer.
TOR being developed.
Activity within CSN being coordinated through Leisure Officer & various communications.
Good support from CSP.
South Beds
Held first consultation meeting good number of partners attended. ID’d priorities – volunteers, funding, access to facilities, WFD
Aligned with LSP
Budget – South Beds DC - £8K
1. Core group met twice – good buy in from wide range of partners
2. Independent Chair elected
3. Branding exercise in progress
In process of identifying priorities
North Norfolk
Group set up
Seat on LSP group
Audit undertaken
Lack of capacity from LA – staff left
1. Rugby club Championing this work
2. Strategic work and support from County
3. Looking at satellite approach
Kings Lynn/West Norfolk
1. Sports Council will be CSN
2. Constitution changed to fit in with CSN
3. Additional partners invited
4. Administrator appointed
Action plan in place, good set of partners, LSP, Health, Education
Link with LSP – Healthy Lifestyle group
Action Plan in progress – to Exec Board in January
East Cambs
1st meeting held
ID’d initial priorities
LSP meeting planned
Action Plan due in January
South Norfolk
Early days, developing links with LSP
ID’d partners
Launch planned Feb
Action Plan due in Feb/March 07
1. Developed Action Plan
2. Received start up funding
3. Stratgey in place
TOR in place
“Active Chelmsford” name in place
Logo being developed
Launch planned for New Year
Linked to LSP
Comms plan – to be developed
1. Likely to be set up under LSP
2. LA Leisure being reorganised
3. Sport will be sub-group in the cultural Forum
Colchester CSN
What's been happening?
Consultation Event
Attendees included: Sports Council; Clubs; facilities; HE; CSP (Linda Gaine); Community Development; Crime Prevention
Mapping session defined priorities and actions with the main one being "raising the profile of sport"
Working Group
Has terms of reference, its governance is linked to the sports development unit.
Coming up with a name as is the focus on physical activity or sport?
Ownership and delivery - the set-up group is not necessarily the end/delivery group
Enrolling partners - quick win projects
Alignment to Sport England and sportessex prioirities and interpretation of what's needed at a local level
Workforce - who does what? Sports Dev / Volunteers - if the LA didn't driveit woudl it happen?
1. Draft vision statement complete
2. Core functions of CSN complete
3. CSP involved
Good buy in from external partners, PCT, HE, members, LSP
Group set up to write action plan
Chair ID’d – not confirmed
LA SDO leaving end of 2006-12-11
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